Community Fridge and Cafe

Event details

  • 08/02/2025
  • 09:15
  • Unity Church, Rye Crescent, Orpington, Kent, BR54NH

We give out fresh food every Wednesday and Saturday at 9:15am. Specifically this includes a variety of bakery, fruit and vegetables, grocery and other items.

This food is provided support to local households and reduce food waste. Despite our primary focus being the Ramsden Estate, we help a number of other families in Orpington and beyond. The food is distributed on a first-come-first-served basis from tables in the car park. However, if it is raining, we serve the food from inside the main church building. Fair Share and other local retailers provide the food we distribute.

After we have distributed the food, we serve free tea and coffee from the church building. This is often accompanied with activities for adults or children.